Saturday, March 26, 2011


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So it's been how long since I planned to finally list things on Etsy?  Yeah, I know, a long time ago.  This weekend, actually last weekend I was hoping to have a photo shoot which did not involve me "myspace"-ing it with my photos.  But then it rained, and then it snowed.  Yup, thanks good ol' Buffalo. Though to be honest, it is no excuse.  So this week I plan to take photos myself, create a little bit of a different image and get some items up, the real photos can come later.

I've also been busy job searching.  Though I am officially a substitute teacher at a few charter schools in the area, I haven't been called at all.  I'm looking on the bright side, I have a job for the summer locked in, and the job market is forcing me to really consider starting my own business (besides Etsy).  Might work out well, I just need to get past my fear, find some support from those around me and not be afraid to ask for help.  Easier said then done for me, for I am full of excuses to mask my uncertainty.  But taking the next step with my Etsy shop will hopefully give me some courage to take it further.  Don't know until you try, right? 

P.S. Spring, please come here soon!

Brittany Thrun is the owner, artist and instructor behind A Fine Tangle.  
Visit her at  Follow her on twitter @afinetangle.


  1. I must add your Etsy store to my faves! Very lovely...=)

    Kristina J.

  2. You have shared a nice article about the Photo Print. Your service is very interesting and useful. I liked it. If anyone wants to photo printing at online, is the best choice.


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